Thoughts on Digital Art & Literature


Artport is a site by the Whitney Museum to exhibit digital artists. The site mainly operates as a database, very similar to how traditional museums function. Every month, an artist's creations are presented in a sub page. Basically, the site is an online museum for digital art. Nothing more, nothing less. Rather boring actually.
In comparison to Artport, the Site really handles the technology in a slightly more interesting way. Instead of displaying the artworks in a traditonal sense, Rhimezone instead breaks loose a bit by incorporating some of the advantages today's Internet offer (I may be wrong). They function as a channel that is looking for upcoming artists that are innovative. Moreover, Rhizome also has services that may help others to be aware of what is happening in the world of digital art, such as: the calendar, discussion boards and a daily newspaper.

Wikipedia Articles

When using a computer to express one self in various art forms, it can be described as Digital art. This can also be applied to external art sources that are not yet digital. Therefore, once scanned in to be represented by ones and zeros (binary code) is simply when something can apply as Digital art.
Internet Art can be described as where artists use the Internet as a medium to distribute digital art forms, such as video, mail and so on.
New media art is a rather broad concept which describes creations deriving from any new technologies, ranging all the way from conceptual art to biotechnologies.


ILB (I Love Bees) was an ARG (Alternative Reality Game), which may be seen as a complex and modern game version of Roleplaying games. ILB was, according to me, a very unusual and odd promotion campaign, for the Halo 2 game. THe game's use of the Internet makes it a good example of Internet Art. I do not like the idea of calling this project a game. Rather I would like to describe it as a modernized and somewhat retarded treasure hunt, but without something worth looking for.


The Implementation project is a novel spread all over the world on sheets of stickers installed on various locations and places.
This project is very similar to Shelley Jackson's "The Skin Project", where Jackson invites participants from around the globe to tattoo a word from her text on the body. These tattoos are then being photographed and collected to be presented on a website. Even though it may seem strange for some, I really think these kinds of installments are very interesting. The fact that people from all around the world are collaborating to help putting the artwork together is itself amazing. This shows a struggle, not among each other, but a struggle towards a collaboration where heritage, money or social class no longer matter, with one goal - to make art together.

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